Sunday, April 25, 2010

Alas..I don't know whether it's the Facebook or is it the Great Streamyx that crash down gracefully..!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Al-Fatihah. Kepada semua rakan taulan di Class'78KSAH, di maklumkan bahawa Sdr Maliki telah kembali ke rahmatullah dan akan di kebumikan esok di Jeniang pada jam 11pagi esok. Wassalam
Don't Let Others Belittle You.
I totally agree with Tony Robbin in this statement. Nobody can belittle you unless you give permission to others to do so. Everybody is unique in their own ways.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Food for Thought.

Quote from a Friend That I just met; 'If you see a snake in front of you, would you avoid it..or whack it since it is a danger to you or would you put it in your pants?' It's a provoking thought, food for the soul as the snake is just an analogy. The snake could be someone you know !
When you start to politicize your business or organizations, when you start to bring politics into your company or companies, then you start to bring down your company to it's doom!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Stay Focus

If you put your heart and mind into what you are doing, you are bound to get results. When the heart and the mind collaborates, then what you get is Full Commitment.

Heart + Mind = Comittment

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sayings To Hold On By

If life, one can only give things to any human around them. 1- Give them DREAMS to build on, 2- Give them HOPE to hang on and, 3- Give them WORK to work on. Then you make yourself a great leader to live by.

An Interesting Story On Life's Journey - Marriage & Love

What Is Love? What Is Marriage?

A student ask a Teacher, 'What Is Love? What Is Marriage?'
The teacher said: In order to answer your question, go to the paddy field and choose the biggest paddy and come back.

But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.

The student went to the field, go thru first row, he saw one big paddy, but he wonders….may be there is a bigger one later. Then he saw another bigger one… but may be there is an even bigger one waiting for him.
Later, when he finished more than half of the paddy field, he start to realize that the paddy is not as big as the previous one he saw, he know he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted. So, he ended up went back to the teacher with empty hand.
The teacher told him, this is love… you keep looking for a better one, but when later you realize, you have already miss the person

The student asked: What is marriage then?

The teacher said: In order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.

The student went to the corn field, this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake, when he reach the middle of the field, he has picked one medium corn that he feel satisfied, and came back to the teacher.

The teacher told him, this time you bring back a corn…. you look for one that is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you get…. this is marriage

Be courteous to all , but intimate with few , and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.

CLONING doesn't work

CLONING doesn't work in any organization. That is why we hire people to work with us. SImply because they are different. DIVERSITY should be look with a positive tone. Diversity is strength and Diversity is all about the common difference. We are the same and yet we are different. So if every BOSS wants their guys to be just like them, think like them, move like them etc, then working in an organization is a questionable act of human insult !

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


We would never cherish anything in our lives, until we lost it. Friendship, good employees, Time for that matter, Parents and so forth. WE lack the attitude of Gratitude.  When we have the attitude of gratitude built or ingrained or anchored in our systems, then we tend to realize that everything that exists in our life have an important role to play. Tit for Tat, Food for thought ...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sometimes Not Knowing Doesn't Hurt

Keep away from the news. It doesn't kill. There are certain things such as politics and governmental decisions that affects our daily living. Certain matters and decisions that others made, affects our life and that we may not like it.
Keeping away from the news and focusing on what we want lessen the stress and burden in our lives. It makes our mental readiness to tackle the things we want most in our lives to be less straineous and keep our focus on the track.